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Double Trouble 2.0
Parkes Christian School is entering the annual Melbourne Moomba Birdman challenge for our 5th year. We are very excited this year as more schools are getting involved and in 2019 Moomba allocated schools their own category with students able to be more involved in the competition.
We have a very dedicated team of four students working on the aircraft named Double Trouble II (named after last years winning entry 'Double Trouble' - that is the basis of it's design only with amplified improvements).
Our students will be involved in fundraising this year with Parkes Christian School being the focus of our fundraising efforts. Some of the money raised will go towards our student team getting to Melbourne, Victoria, with the remaining fundraising efforts going towards a charity which this year our school is wanting to donate towards drought relief - supporting rural families and communities.
Join with us to encourage practical learning and a wonderful experience for our students. Please support our efforts by making a secure online donation and by posting a message of support.
Parkes Christian School and our Student Moomba Team thank you for your support.
Parkes Christian School Limited
Parkes Christian School was founded in 1982 by Christian parents to assist them to bring up their children in a loving and caring environment. The School provides a comprehensive education of a high standard, taught by committed Christian teachers. This not only prepares students for future study or work, but for life itself.
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